

newest technology

Continuously working on the improve­ment of our systems

Although our systems are unmatched in terms of efficiency, intelligence, and sustainability, we are continuously looking to introduce novel features and functions into our systems. Besides the remote control of our robots, we are working on enabling more precise analytics of the tunnel and tunnel drainage by utilising different sensor data and proprietary machine learning engines. This will generate an even higher value to our customer and will further improve the efficiency of tunnels.

Data analysis

Machine Learning for predictive maintenance of tunnel drainage

Our machine learning engine allows better analysis and prediction of maintenance intensity for tunnel drainage systems. By utilising multiple sources of data (including our proprietary sensor data sets), we enable continuous analysis of the maintenance efficiency. This enables our customers not only to know the current status of their tunnel drainage, but also to access this data remotely and at any time.  

smart technology

Robotics and IoT solutions for smart infrastructure

Our systems are continuously getting smarter and more efficient, not only by the utilisation of machine learning, but also through improvements in their architecture and inclusion of new IoT sensors. Through support of some of the leading institutions in robotics, IoT and automation, we are working on further breakthroughs that will improve the cost efficiency of our systems and will enable even more insight into the tunnel drainage and tunnels in general.

green footprint

Sustainability and Life Cycle improvement

By putting the sustainability in the core of our R&D philosophy, we are further improving the environmental footprint of tunnels. Our current research focus lies on reducing the life cycle impact of both our systems as well as the tunnel drainage systems. This will allow for even better utilisation of available resources like water, energy and raw materials thereby resulting in more conscious and sustainable operation of tunnels. 

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